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Digital Exclusion in the North East LEP Area

Commissioned by the North East LEP’s Skills Advisory Panel (SAP), the report highlights the impact digital exclusion in the North East LEP area is having on people’s ability to access education, skills and employment.

Digital exclusion, where people lack digital skills, connectivity and accessibility, has been recognised as a problem for several years. However, the problem has been exacerbated by Covid-19, where access to the internet and digital devices has been vital for accessing goods and services and maintaining social contact.

With increasing aspects of life taking place online, a strategic regional approach to tackling digital exclusion is required to reverse the increasing digital divide.

In March 2021 the North East LEP and its Skills Advisory Panel (SAP) commissioned New Skills Consulting (NSC) to undertake research into the nature and extent of digital exclusion in the North East, focusing primarily on the economic and skills-related impacts of digital exclusion. The following key research tasks have been undertaken to inform the report: literature and data review; mapping and gapping of current solutions and interventions; strategic consultations and an online survey.

The research highlighted priority actions for tackling the economic and skills impacts of digital inclusion, some directly actionable regionally, and others which will require lobbying and influencing with Government and other stakeholders.

Download the report

Read more about the Digital Exclusion in the North East LEP Area

By Michelle Rainbow, Skills Director

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To make an enquiry, please contact Skills Director Michelle Rainbow

Economic datasets

Charts and commentary on the latest data about the economic performance of the North East, including progress against targets in the Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) and other economic outputs.