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Rapid review of potential labour and skills impact on the green economy and digital skills within health and social care

Commissioned by the Skills Advisory Panel, the North East LEP has been exploring future skills needs within a number of key sectors. The Institute of Employment Studies completed a rapid literature review to understand the labour and skills impacts of developments in digital and technology within health and social health and the green economy.

Download the report

Review of potential labour and skills impacts – green economy

Read the rapid review of of potential labour and skills impacts - green economy

Rapid review of potential labour and skills impacts - health and social care

Read the rapid review of of potential labour and skills impacts - health and social care

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To make an enquiry, please contact Programme Manager Anthea Pratt

Economic datasets

Charts and commentary on the latest data about the economic performance of the North East, including progress against targets in the Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) and other economic outputs.